International Master in Business Mathematics


The LMU Munich, the University of Paris Saclay (UPS), and the University of Bologna (UNIBO) jointly offer a double degree program called International Master in Business Mathematics, which enables students from the three universities to study abroad for a period of one or two semesters at the partner universities and to obtain a double or triple (depending on the student's track) degree: Laurea Magistrale in Quantitative Finance of UNIBO, Master Degree in Financial and Insurance Mathematics of LMU and/or Master Degree Ingénierie Mathématique Spécialité Ingénierie Financière of UPS.

This is an offering for the students enrolled in our MSc Financial and Insurance Mathematics study program and the respective study programs of our partner universities only.

How to apply

Students applying for the International Master in Business Mathematics will be selected by each university according to their own criteria and modalities based on academic merit, past work, extracurricular experiences, as well as a demonstration of strong motivation to participate in the program.

Outgoing students
Students from LMU applying for the multiple degree program at UNIBO or at UPS must be enrolled in the Master Financial and Insurance Mathematics of the LMU and have adequate knowledge of the English language (equivalent to CEFR level B2). In order to apply, please send your CV and a letter of motivation together with an updated Transcript of Records of your master and bachelor study program to Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini by January 31 of every year.

We recommend preparing a Learning Agreement before departure. Please contact, the student advisory to align the planned courses and provide the information described here (Q&A How can I get my courses recognized for credit?).

Further information about current courses and programs can be found on the host university websites:

  • Further information can be found on the website of UNIBO
  • Further information can be found on the website of UPS

Incoming students visiting LMU
Students from UNIBO and UPS, who have been successfully selected to take part in the program, must complete the following form by January 15 of every year:
Double Degree Application Form
Applicant students from UNIBO and UPS are strongly advised to create a Learning Agreement with their respective home university's student advisor.

For all inquiries except for the formal application, which are not answered on this page, please contact the student advisory.

Tuition fee waiver

Students participating in the MDP will enroll and pay the required enrollment fee at their home university (the university of first enrollment). Students will have to pay the diploma fee at the host university if any. All other charges, including health insurance, shall be borne by the students themselves.

How to request the final diploma

Visiting students at the LMU are required to formally request their diploma for the International Master in Financial and Insurance Mathematics by sending an email to Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini and providing the following documents:

  • the "final and complete transcript of records" from the home university;
  • the "final diploma" from the home university.

For incoming students from Paris Saclay: Please provide us with the date of your last exam and final grade expressed as a numerical value.

Outgoing LMU students need to clarify how to obtain the final International Master diploma at the respective host university.

Before your stay at the host university

Please prepare the list of courses you want to attend in the respective learning agreements before your stay at the host university. See Q&A - How do I find my course websites and online material? in order to browse the available courses.

Furthermore, before your stay and at the time of enrollment, it is very important to activate the respective campus user accounts and check whether it is also working. At the LMU, a campus user account is necessary to access all online course materials. After your enrollment at the LMU you will receive a letter from the IT-Servicedesk with your first time login credentials and first steps to activate the account. In case you lost that letter, you can apply for a new one at the IT-Servicedesk by sending an email request describing your issue and including your "Matrikelnummer", matriculation number.

Formal processes, student advisory, and further information

Before all inquires, please check the website, and in particular, the Q&As, thoroughly. Common topics are typically described in great detail.

If you have further questions regarding the formal processes of the study program (pre-registration, account statements, recognition of examination results, confirmation letters, etc.), please contact the contact desk of the examination office.

If you have further questions regarding the content of the study program (recognition advice, planning a study abroad program, etc.), consult the student advisory section and, if your question is not answered there, contact the student advisory.

For latest news and announcements regarding these study programs, consider signing up to our newsletter.