
Alexander Kalinin is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mathematics at LMU Munich. His research interests focus on nonlinear partial differential equations, McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations and stochastic Volterra integral equations.

For current teaching events see Teaching

  • The oriented derivative,
    Kalinin, A. , Preprint, 2023 [arXiv]
  • Stability, uniqueness and existence of solutions to McKean-Vlasov SDEs in arbitrary moments
    Kalinin, A. , Meyer-Brandis, T. , Proske, F. ,
    Accepted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2024 [arXiv]
  • Stability, uniqueness and existence of solutions to McKean-Vlasov SDEs: a multidimensional Yamada-Watanabe approach
    Kalinin, A. , Meyer-Brandis, T. , Proske, F. ,
    Preprint, 2021 [arXiv]
  • Mild and viscosity solutions to semilinear parabolic path-dependent PDEs
    Kalinin, A. , Schied, A. ,
    Preprint, 2018 [arXiv]
  • Markovian integral equations and path-dependent partial differential equations
    Kalinin, A. ,
    Doctoral thesis, University of Mannheim, 2017 (PDF, 1,209 KB)

For more Publications & Preprints see Publications
